Monday, April 19, 2010

I don't remember putting *this* in my queue...

You know when you're watching a DVD and you hit "Fast Forward" and then you hit "Play" but the movie keeps speeding along? I swear Mother Nature hit "Fast Forward". See for yourself:

I'll explain those funky boxes from the first picture in another post down the line. But for now I'll just say that these trees are putting on their best "come hither" looks...


jennem said...

I "leased" a tree for my dad back in December. Well, I paid for a lease! Since then, nothing! Could you please confirm, reply, give us any information at all?

We were referred to you by good friends who leased a tree last year. My husband is a permaculture activist, and a professional forester for the city of New York, who has since referred you to others. But we do need to know if this is a viable program. So far it's been quite disappointing.


Jennifer Maslowski

Gunk Haus said...

Those blossoms look puh'retty!!! And what's the buzz about those boxes anyway ... ;-)

J Bird said...

Hi Jennifer - we've spoken since you posted your comment, and I'm sorry for the breakdown in communication. I still don't know what my email disorder is, so I can't claim it won't happen again. But I'm working on figuring out the source of the problem. My apologies.