Monday, August 24, 2009


Those of you who know Weasley know that he isn't especially dog-like. He doesn't get excited when you say "dinner", "treat", "walk" or "outside". He hates car trips. He's not much for barking. And he doesn't play fetch.

Or does he?

This picture was taken after playing fetch with an apple for about half an hour. Yes, an apple. I swear I'm not making this up. We tried substituting a small tennis ball, but he wasn't having it. He wanted to fetch the apple.

I love this dog!

By the way, your dogs are welcome at LDO when you come to pick your apples. If I get my act together in time, I'll make a small fenced-in area so everyone can hang out off leash. If I don't, they'll have to stay on leash. But do bring them (assuming they like to travel more than Weasley).

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