It's amazing how quickly spring happens around here. It seems like less than a week ago, snow was still everywhere and my teeth were chattering. Today, Weasley and I sat on the porch for an hour, basking in the sun and reading. (Okay, it was only me who was reading.) There are more birds out there than you can shake a stick at, but my favorite is still this guy, the house finch:
Here he is with his lady friend. Sure, we get fancier birds with more dramatic plumage, but this guy sings the cutest little song. I just love it. Plus, he tends to hang out on my deck, so we've become close over time. I can't tell you how happy I am that the house finches are back! Yay!
Other signs of spring: Duck Duck and Mother are back. I'll put their picture up later. Duck Duck and Mother are a mated pair of geese who call Little Dog Orchard home. They aren't real social, but we love having them. Weasley wants to go meet them, but we won't let him. We're mean that way.
We've seen a wounded fox lately. If any of you know who I can call to have this poor thing picked up and fixed up, let me know. It's so desperate for food that it's eating the old nasty apples from last year. That can't be ideal for a carnivore. I'd leave food out, but I don't want to ruin the poor thing for normal life. I'll be researching fox rescue more this week.
Last, but certainly not least, a friend and neighbor just spotted his first muskrat! What a joy - now we'll all have The Captain and Tennille stuck in our heads for the next eight months. (See how I like to share?)
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