If you're reading this, you've probably gotten an email from us recently, so thanks for checking out the blog! Now go tell your friends that they should lease a tree, too! I feel like such a salesman when I push the leases, but friends, let me tell you: this is not about making money, and it probably won't make much (if any) for years. Right now, we need irrigation. You would be surprised to find out how much installing irrigation costs! (Okay, I was surprised. You might be completely blase about things like this.)
I'll post the details of our contest soon. For today, I'll finish sending out the irrigation plea emails (one at a time, so they don't get eaten by spam filters), work on starting a facebook page for LDO, and spend a few hours mowing before heading up the hill to work for the night.
Folks are starting to email their ideas about how to reach more people - I love it! Keep it up, Friends of Little Dog!